Lowcountry Crime: Four Novellas

featuring the Derringer-nominated Tai Randolph story “Trouble Like a Freight Train Coming" plus three other novellas from

  • James M. Jackson

  • Jonathan Bryant

  • Polly Ilyer

Wolf's Echo Press (January 23, 2017)ISBN-10: 1943166064ISBN-13: 978-1943166060

Wolf's Echo Press (January 23, 2017)

ISBN-10: 1943166064

ISBN-13: 978-1943166060


featuring the tarot mystery “A Fox in the Hand”

50 Shades of Cabernet

including “And Wine to Make Glad the Heart,” a Short Story featuring Tai & Trey and James M. Jackson’s Seamus McCree

SOmething PrressISBNISBN

SOmething Prress